My 10 days internship in Yagi Woodworks 私の箭木木工所での10日間
Watashi wa Isac desu, Mozambicano JICA ryu gakusei desu. Kagawa daigaku de nogyo no benkyo o shitei masu.
During the days I was interning, I could realize the high level of organization of the company from the spirit of teamwork, cleanliness and order, the concern of the Staff members in teaching me, as well as the commitment to meet the established goals.
I used many machinery in this company, especially a very unique chance to work on this monster machine panel saw.
I tried this one, too. こんな機械も使いました。
Relaxing with my Sensei Tamba san after hard work. 一生懸命働いた後で丹波先生と一緒に。
I enjoyed working with my hand, since my childhood. 子供の頃から物を作ることが好きでした。
It was nice feeling to see the beauty of transformed wood into high quality material.
Hontouni Benkyouni Narinashita! 本当に勉強になりました!
My country has plenty of wood resources and lack of skilled wood worker. So, with the knowledge acquired in Yagi woodworks I would like to transform the wood into wealth and help others.